

Owner- Trainer

Visionary, Model, Athlete, and Fitness Influencer, I was born and raised in Jacksonville Florida by my young mother. As a family, we faced a lot of challenges and adversities but what we seemed to enjoy most was our outdoor games and sports. I learned new skills every day from my mom. She would challenge me to a race and wouldn’t hold back. As an active and eager-to-learn child, my mother promoted and pushed me to do anything that I wanted to do. She instilled in me that “ I should not hold back”. No matter what. As a child, I faced everything with no fear. By the age of 15, I was known for my many talents. Choreographer and instructor for summer camps were some of my accomplishments. With a strong desire to serve my community at the age of 18, I enrolled in the Jacksonville Police academy. As a cadet, I suffered a life-threatening medical emergency which I overcame through perseverance and graduated top of my class. I quickly realized being healthy is more than just an outward appearance but rather internal as well. Even with the accomplishments achieved at a young age, I suffered from mental issues, self-doubt, and anxiety as I got older. After graduation, it was clear to me that Fitness is a lifestyle that saved my life and continues to save me every day. It requires change, self-awareness, strength, and mental focus. You really have to dig deep and face yourself. Exercising cultivates mind and body with its power to transform. I love the feeling of showing myself how great I am. I have fought through my mental barriers by learning a new skill and mastering each skill during my journey. I want to help people become their best selves so they can be healthy enough, fit enough, and passionate enough to change while progressing to be better & better every day. Currently, I am a Certified Personal Trainer and Holistic advocate specializing in Cross Training, focusing on body weight / calisthenic training. I am very passionate about teaching & coaching. It is important that I show the fundamentals of this lifestyle to guide people through the next journey of their life. I began training because I wanted to rewrite my history for a better future for myself, my family, and humanity. We will reach the greatness in us when we remove our fears, anxiety, and insecurities. I want to reach the nations while starting in my community.

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